Building a bedroom for Torfavan kindergarten
Your donation, even a small one, will give these kids and their mothers the opportunity to live a full life.
Over 30 children from the villages of Torfavan and Vanevan will continue to attend kindergarten, and their mothers will be able to work.
30 children from Torfavan and neighboring Vanevan attend kindergarten in Torfavan settlement of Vardenis consolidated community. The kindergarten, which consists of one common room, was built in 2022 by the Kamrjak Charitable NGO.
According to the norms of kindergartens operating in the Republic of Armenia, children cannot play and sleep in the same room. As Torfavan kindergarten does not have two separate rooms, it is now under the risk of being closed. It is necessary to expand the space in the back part of the kindergarten by building a separate bedroom.