Preparation of Agroforestry Consultants
This is a three years pilot project, within the framework of which an Agroforestry module will be introduced in an agricultural college, parallel to the establishment of a small experimental agroforest in the same region. Here, on the one hand, the students will have an internship, and on the other hand, the agronomists will have the opportunity to be trained as agroforestry specialists.
Agroforestry is an agricultural activity that “Shen” NGO is trying to initiate in Armenia, although one of its systems of field protection forest layers has been widely and successfully applied since the Soviet times, especially in the Ararat valley. However, the agroforestry systems are different and can be applied in various landscapes of the entire territory of Armenia.
Agroforestry is attractive for farmers, as it offers opportunities to generate an income from the cultivation of annual crops or fodder plants from the very year of establishment. With the further development and maturing of the agroforestry systems, income generation opportunities keep increasing, as the woody components of the agroforestry systems become productive as well, while also contributing to both climate adaptation and mitigation.
The first model agroforest was successfully established with support of our French donor "A Tree for You" in Shenavan settlement of Spitak consolidated community, Lori Marz, in 2024, which inspired other communities in various regions of Armenia to establish agroforests as well. However, the lack of agroforestry specialists makes the development of this direction impossible.
We want to initiate a training program for agricultural consultants in the direction of agroforestry, to use the potential of agricultural colleges operating in Marzes.